Saturday, April 26, 2008

When Politics Prevent Innovation - Or... Still Fighting Battles and Losing Wars

L & 39; goal is to beat the competition and earn the money & 39;. While an organization of & 39; company should focus on this simple goal, the & 39; interpretation through various Vision and Mission Statements ". However, if we take a survey of how our organizations spend our energy, that goal is often lost in a network of domestic policy and positioning. Of course, competition is generally well - that & 39; it is internal or external - to the point where we do not lose focus on the objectives of the company & 39; that the final outcome of our competition.

We often use l & 39; expression " win battles and lose the war. " That phrase really hits home when we record all the things we do, every day of our life business, leading to a situation in which we are fighting with more fervor for positioning internal & 39; then commit the energy in activities to beat our competitors. What does " win battles and wars to lose really?

Perhaps the sale and exploitation & 39; groups have difficulty with the product and contract provisioning. Sales of course wants to sign contracts, obtain & 39; acceptance, and quickly begin billing customers - they were committed depends on shortening the book bank. Operations is unfortunate because the contracts tend to & 39; s depart from the letter d & 39; a product or service. Thus, operations May digging their heels and not accelerate & 39; while the provisioning " bring the guy selling online. "

What is the result of this small battle? Of course, the customer does not receive service within the requested date and & 39; company not to pay as soon as they would with a rapid implementation and & 39; acceptance. And I, as your competitor, be aggressive spending my time eroding your market share. The customer is angry, sales and operations people are angry, and your image of the industry is tarnished & 39; while the competition is moving quickly to exploit your weaknesses.

Let use of & 39; another example. Your organization has the same challenge all other organizations across the world - a need for greater computing power, and a need to reduce capital spending on IT-related equipment. So, we look in our bag of tools & 39; and determine a few relatively easy innovations could meet these two objectives. You decide you can save money and the & 39; d & 39; increase the calculation of resources through the consolidation

Server disk consolidation and virtualization GRID computing easy, n & 39; is it not?

In Platform Computing l & 39; recent study " d & 39; political organization as a barrier to

Implementing Grid Computing " 79% of leaders & 39; companies have indicated that the consolidation of resources and should virtualization be considered a priority for IT planning, but 89% of companies indicated same organization & 39; policy and other issues could pose a major obstacle in & 39; performance of consolidation.

Why? D & 39; units operating, managers and individuals have an inherent desire to control their own resources. Moving an application to a server platform May & 39; lead the user application being denied the level of priority they believe is due them is cited as a major concern. In addition, if resources are identified as potential contributors to a virtual disk or platform computing, there are strong concerns & 39; another division or unit & 39; exploitation could even seize priorities and to refuse treatment existing or desired levels.

An even more worrying May be the potential for losing the additional operating budgets - the consolidation of resources, by nature, reduces the cost of doing business, and it expects to & 39; s individual units will require less funding than what & 39; they receive.

Of currently in most cases, this & 39; is simply not true - but it is a solid perception.

Now Let& 39;s talk a little more about the GRID. You& 39;ve probably heard - and have a nagging thought to & 39; back of the head eventually you are going to have to deal with it. You know, it will seriously disrupt ideas on management systems and & 39; use of resources and May it be a thought of those who want to save & 39; OIF up your mind & 39; the last minute.

Let of & 39; consideration of some simple facts GRID:

Properly employees GRID allows d & 39; significantly increase the amount of computing resources available for your company. In the article & 39; " Grid Computing ", the Royal Bank gives the assurance that & 39; l & 39; example actuarial calculation requirements have been reduced from 18 hours to 32 minutes on l & 39; employment of their business GRID. Monsanto said in the same article, they have reduced their new server & 39; purchase compared to & 39; year of 90 percent Morgan Stanley, Charles Schwab, Wachovia, and other & 39; announced consolidation of workstations in a business enterprise transformation grid with this level of & 39; enterprise adoption of technologies GRID, it is clear it is & 39; d & 39; technology that we all face in the next two years. So, if the statistics mentioned in the platform of & 39; study are true, it is potentially going to be a lot of trauma. However, the economies of & 39; money, it is very clear that the benefits of employment & 39; GRID virtualization of resources within an organization d & 39; are tremendous.

Thus the issue should not be whether or not an individual or a section & 39; lose control d & 39; a few resources, but rather how much more work that & 39; they can do if their existing applications and strategies can make use of computing power of the company & 39; GRID. Once the power of the company & 39; compute resources is addressed and registered, & 39; all computationally intensive applications within the organization & 39; have much more flexibility and have d & 39; potential l & 39; innovation in the construction of their product or service drawings. With GRID resources, applications can be written to better solve the problems and tasks, rather than simply writing against the limits d & 39; a piece of hardware or operating system.

Just d & 39; as e-mail a major impact on how we view d & 39; communications company, GRID computing will have a similar effect on how we approach the planning d & 39; company. As employees, managers and professionals the time has come for us to start thinking long term - do not win the small battles within the organization & 39; - concentrate on winning the war. Your resources contribute to the success of the organization by winning & 39; l & 39; company and & 39; global economy wars.

(About the author & 39; - John Savageau is a managing director at CRG West, responsible for managing the operations and the & 39; architecture of several of the largest facilities d & 39; interconnection of telecommunications in the USA, including a Wilshire in Los Angeles)

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